Monday, May 9, 2011

The journey begins...

Hello and welcome!
No. This is not about the anime series Kino's Journey, but you can call me Kino anyway, because I like relating myself to Kino no Tabi (the main character of the series).
For those of you who have no clue what Kino's Journey is, visit this page.

I started this blog to share my experiences, my thoughts and feelings as I travel through space and time.
As I'm writing, I'm a 19 year old student of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Technical Univeristy of Crete, somewhere in south Greece. I wish that the same way my age changes as time passes my "title" will change as well.
All I want to be right now is a traveler.

This strong will to explore the world and the many different people and cultures stems from the sense of freedom I get when I travel, the constant need for self-discovery and the search for honesty and truth, tolerance and love among people.

My current mission could be something like: Focus on the things that make me happy, quit or change the ones that drain my energy and block the world's beauty from rising.
I'll go for it.

-Kino writing from Chania, Greece